Moe’s and Joe’s with our awesome Erin(Previously at Diesel) in Virginia Highlands starts Monday March 2nd at 7pm. Trackside Tavern, a dive bar staple in Decatur, will start Tuesday March 10th at 7pm, Manny’s Grant Park, an awesome new bar near Oakland Cemetery, starts Thursday March 19th also at 7pm. This will be our first Thursday game in years, since 57th Fighter Group! It is really exciting to start these new bars. All of the new venues have free parking, cheap and craft beers, full bars, great food, and a kick ass atmosphere.

I will of course award 5 points for the first night of all three venues. Starting in April they will also be knockout games, meaning you will get a point for every person you knockout of the tournament. Travis Clement currently holds the most recent knockout record for one night with 10 and winning for a total of 20 points in one night!

Also feel free to bring your non-addicted to poker friends too! You’ll get 2k chips for bringing new players and they will also get 2k for being new.